LAANC Appreciation of Gerry Ceaser, February 2018
It is with great regret and sadness that we inform Members
and others that LAANC Vice President Gerry Ceaser unexpectedly died over the
weekend of 24th / 25th February after a short illness. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to his wife Zandra who
shared the LAANC Administrator role with Gerry and before that had served LAANC
as its Secretary.
Gerry was truly Mr LAANC as he actively served in leading
roles guiding LAANC for over 20 years, many as its Chairman and thereafter as
its Co-Administrator. LAANC is deeply
indebted to Gerry and Zandra.
Gerry’s early years on LAANC coincided with his Leadership
of Spelthorne Borough Council, being its Mayor and honoured as a Freeman of
that Borough, which helped us to appreciate Spelthorne Council Offices as the
host location of our meetings. His
knowledge of aviation activity and perceptive mind will be sorely missed in our
meetings and others such as the Heathrow Community Noise Forum, Heathrow
Airport Consultative Committee and its Steering Group.
Colin Stanbury, the LAANC Director, has kindly offered to
handle Administrative matters and contacts on a temporary basis until new
arrangements are agreed. He can be contacted via or on
07778 284309.