Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Airports Commision Consultation Document
The Airports Commission has just published its consultation on the three options it has shortlisted for increasing the UK’s long-term aviation capacity. The consultation is open until the 3rd of February and seeks views on the three options for a new runway in the south east of England, and on its assessments of these options. In particular, the Commission wishes to:
  • test the evidence base it has assembled
  • understand stakeholders’ views as to the accuracy, relevance and breadth of the assessments it has undertaken
  • seek views on the potential conclusions that might be drawn from them.
They are also interested in evidence and ideas about improving the short-listed options (e.g. through mitigation measures to address specific impacts).

LAANC will be responding to the consultation after its Meeting on 23rd January 2015.

Monday, 27 October 2014


Precision navigation (PRNAV) is now fitted to all new aircraft and is precise up to heights of 4000ft, it is more fuel efficient, direct and more precise in the 3km wide take off swathes. This will enable an increase in take offs at some airports. Respite within the swathe will be varied with aircraft being directed to a more definitive  position within the swathe. This may well increase respite for some and be less for others.  
Precision Navigation
Trials of PRNAV prove increased departures are possible and with aircraft following a more precise line will allow more frequent take offs. There has been adverse response from previously non affected areas at both ends of Heathrow Airport. Teddington has been badly affected by the trials on easterlies and Ascot / Sunningdale / Bracknell / Englefield Green on westerlies, generating many complaints from residents not previously affected by aircraft noise. LAANC is trying to ascertain what is to be done following the trial before it is imposed on communities outside the 57db contour. Trials are being run by NATS, but PRNAV is being driven by the European aircraft control service.


The Davies Commission is to issue a Consultation shortly on the remaining options i.e. Gatwick 2nd runway and the two Heathrow third runway options.

An 8/10 week consultation is expected on the key areas identified by the Commission. The results of this consultation will go to the Commission Work Group but will not be published until after the General Election.

It is unlikely that the Commission will ask for additional surveys etc. i.e. questioning 57db 16 hour bench marks as it is now out of date, despite LAANC pressure for them to do so.